Friday, April 29, 2011

Affordable yet Quality Rhinoplasty

Rhinoplasty or nose surgery is a procedure where the skills of the surgeon are quite important. Even a slight mistake can kill the purpose of the surgery which is to get the distorted nose right. Efficiently done, rhinoplasty can reshape the nose in the way you want. The surgery can reduce or increase the size of the nose, change the shape, narrow the span of the nostrils. It could also be done to correct a birth defect or injury.

Surgeons can perform Rhinoplasty surgery in three ways – Open technique, Closed technique and Delivery technique. In the open technique, the skin over the Cartilage framework of the nose is lifted. Thereafter, the surgeon can make surgical changes to create a nose which looks aesthetically more pleasing. In the closed technique, the incisions are made inside the nose. Cartilage is then pulled out from the nose which is then shaped the right way. In the delivery technique the cartilages are dissected out without interfering with the columella. These are sculpted by the surgeon under direct vision to get them in proper shape. They are thereafter put back at their natural place in the nose.

Thousands of westerners arrive India each year to get their rhinoplasty surgery done. Most people get cosmetic surgery in India done to get their looks right. However, it is also performed to correct structural deformities of the nose that can cause breathing problems. The surgery works well for the people who are looking for improvement, not perfection, in the way they look. People who are realistic in expectations can achieve positive results from the surgery.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Indian Medical Wonders - Story 3

A 32-year-old woman in Mumbai has been living with a disorder that strikes only one in a million. Suffering from partial situs inversus, Janhavi Raul weighed 112 kg when she recently sought help for obesity consultation.
Dr Sanjay Borude, bariatric surgeon said, “She had a stomach which was double the size of a normal person’s. We have decided to perform a vertical sleeve gastrectomy and cut out 80% of the stomach to reduce her urge to eat. The operation was a challenge because of the disorder.”
Raul who is married with a child and works as a commercial artist, was aware of the disorder.
“She came to us a week ago. When she told us her stomach was located in the right side of the body instead of left, we did a thorough checkup before going ahead with the surgery. Apart from her heart, which was located in left, the stomach, intestine, liver, appendix were located in the reverse direction,” said Dr Borude.
This surgery is the first of its kind in India. Situs inversus (also called situs transversus or oppositus) is a congenital condition in which the major visceral organs are reversed from their normal positions. The normal arrangement is known as situs solitus. While complete situs inversus disorder is found in one among 22,000 people, partial situs inversus is very rare and found in only one among a million people.
“I wanted to lose weight as it was creating lot of health problems. I already knew about my condition as I was told my stomach was located in the reverse direction during my pregnancy,” said Raul.
Post-operation, doctors are monitoring Raul’s condition. “In normal cases, a sleeve gastrectomy patient is discharged in two-three days. But we may keep her for a longer time and see how her body is reacting,” said Dr Borude.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Best Dental Treatment and Affordable too !!

The primary draw for dental tourism is the savings afforded for dental patients. Patients from developed nations like USA and UK travel to India where the cost of healthcare is low despite the fact that dentists are expertly-trained and on-site equipment is state-of-the-art. Dental clinics in India have most sophisticated dental chairs, most advanced diode lasers, most advanced CAD CAM devices. Savings in India are attributed to the low cost of administration and labor.

Dental patients also relish the experience to tour exotic Indian destinations and maintain the spending power to pamper themselves during their stay. Those receiving inpatient procedures can afford lavish facilities at significant savings compared to dental work at a standard clinic in their home country.

Dental tourists seek procedures ranging from root canals to dental implants. Of course, relatively inexpensive procedures like simple cleanings or cavity fillings don’t usually attract dental patients to India.

Many insurance packages offered through employers don’t offer sufficient coverage for dental work, meaning patients have to pay the bulk (if not all) of their expenses themselves. These costs are often prohibitively expensive.

Given exorbitant prices for dental operations in the United States and the United Kingdom, patients from these countries are increasingly seeking dental care away from home. In some cases, unrealistic waiting lists also drive patients across national boundaries.

Recovery time is usually short for dental work, even when the procedure is relatively invasive. For this reason, outpatients can travel to a vacation destination, receive dental work and then spend the remainder of their time enjoying a vacation—all for less than the price of receiving dental work at home.

Heal & Wheel understands the choices of dental patients travelling from various nationalities and understands the needs of a dental patient. Heal & Wheel has collaborated with the best Indian dental clinics. There has been a constant surge of dental patients coming to India through Heal & Wheel.